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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Robinson's Projection by Andrew J. Furne

Source: http://www.personal.psu.edu/fja117/Project1b.html
Source: http://www.personal.psu.edu/fja117/Project1b.html 

Here is a map projection, specifically a Robinson’s Map Projection of the World, made by some Andrew J. Furne. Just like the other world maps, it shows the whole world with its center (Prime Merdidian) at Greenwich, United Kingdom, at the west is Hawaii and East Pacific Ocean, and at the east is East Asia and West Pacific Ocean.

Furne, as said on his article found at http://www.personal.psu.edu/fja117/Project1b.html, said that he wanted to highlight his hometown, the Atlantic, Iowa. Plus, he also added, or rather, labeled some places he had been.

This map, for me, could be considered a good map to use for those who would be going to the places he had highlighted, but for those who were not, it’s not a friendly map. First and foremost, this is a subjective map. There are only five places with names. This would definitely never be useful for those who want to have a glimpse of all the places of the world.
Another, there is no direction or a north arrow. Yes, we all know where north is, or south, or west, or east, but that’s not an excuse for a cartographer to not include a direction in his or her map. Legend also does matter. But in this case, this map has an article in its website that explains everything about it. But, what if a map reader was not able to read the article? Or when he or she found this in Google, he or she did not see the article? The map reader would still need the legend, direction and the other map elements because all of these are characteristics of a good map.  Rating: 7. 

*Ratings: 1-lowest    10-highest

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