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Thursday, March 3, 2011

A 'Map of Canada and the US'

 Source: http://www.kuederle.com/Canada/Map.php

Here is a map of North America. It has labels on some states and cities of United States and Canada. Honestly, I could not understand the intended message or purpose that this map wants to relay.

Firstly, the map has no legend. If only it has provided a legend, it would easily be understood. According to its web page, it is a map of Canada and the US, but still lacks of information.

It used good combination of colors. They are not too strong and complement one another. However, these colors are useless because their uses are not indicated.

One thing I noticed about this map is that it labeled only a few places. Surely, these labels signify or suggest something. Nonetheless, I can say that the labeling is good. There are no overlaps and labels are clears and are readable.

Overall, this map would be a good map if the cartographer has included the important elements such as map title, legend, direction and scale. If these elements are just included, we could have understood the message of this map which seems to be somehow important. Rating: 6.

*Ratings: 1-lowest    10-highest

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